2 CarriNgt0N Villa

2.1 Intro - Verhandle DARÜBER

2.1 Outro - Carringtons Rettung

2.1 Intro - Verhandle DARÜBER

Jukebox - Klick me!


Agent Dark Mission Log: 18.45 hours. Last night we got a coll from Cassandra de Vries. A dataDyne team has taken Daniel Carrington hostage at his private villa on the cost, and they say they will spare his life in a change for the AI.

Unfortunately we don’t have it. Daniel and Dr. Caroll were at the villa to discuss matters of munual interest.

It looks like Daniel found a way to hide Dr. Caroll inside the villa when the dataDyne hit squad arrive.

Hopefully our choney negotiator play will gave me a chance to surprise the dataDyne squad. This time it’s not just my life on the line.

2.1 Outro - Carringtons Rettung


Sir? Are you ingured?


No, Joanna I’m okay, but those dataDyne thugs made me tell them where I’d hidden Dr. Caroll. If only I’d held out for a few minutes more.


It’s not your foult, sir. I should have been quicker.


Don’t blame yourself Joanna. Dr. Caroll told me that he expected this to happen. Actually, when they recaptured him, the dataDyne team got overconfident and let slip a few facts when they thought I was unconscious. They mentioned a meeting in the G5-Building in Chicago Illinois tonight. I want you to be there but that doesn’t leave you a lot of time to get ready.


That won’t be a problem sir. So, did Dr. Caroll have any useful information for you?


Oh yes indeed. He certanly did, and I’ll brief you when you’re en route to Chicago. We might still be able to help him even after those butchers remove his personality. He thinks they’ll keep a copy of it in a safe place. It’s about time I called in some friends to deal with dataDyne.